If your residence or lawn is infested with ants, Chuck's Pest Control can rid your problem with immediate ant extermination in Queens, NY. Common ants produce mounds and nest in soil near water. They feed on plants, organic matter and even meat. We provide specialized ant-removal plans that eliminate ants no matter how severe the infestation. We also exterminate ants which commonly invade homes, quickly and efficiently.
Ant Control
Ants are dangerous pests that invade and destroy properties. A ant has a painful sting and signals other ants to attack when it's provoked. Ants typically feed on seeds and plants; however, if they're agitated, they'll attack the intruder and can even kill small animals. When they sting, they'll cause irritation and inject venom that can be deadly. Eradicating fire ants from your home not only saves your landscape, it creates a safer environment for your family and pets.